Tuesday, January 29, 2013

It's Time for Truth Tuesday

I like to keep up with what I started but there are times when you get so caught up that you don't keep up with the little things.  This year in order to get where I want to be I have to stay consistent with what I've started.  So here we go:

  1. I love to worship God and am excited about my spiritual growth. I'm not saying that I'm perfect but I'm diligently seeking God for the direction my life is taking. 
  2. I'm in the process of reading the Bible in it's entirety for the first time in my 45 yrs of life. 
  3. As I've mentioned before I don't like to see people being mistreated and believe fair is fair.
  4. The fate of my daughters at times is cause for concern (they both sustained injuries due to a car accident back in October 2011) I thought that by this time in my life that they would be well on their way to sustaining themselves in life. But God has other plans and I find strength in the knowledge of that. 
  5. I am working on a book. 
I hope you are living your Truth daily and making steps to grow daily.  When you know better you do better.  I pray that you have a great day.  

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